How to take better care of your health when you are at home office

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

We know that in difficult times like these that we are facing, our mental and physical health can be shaken. How to take better care of your health when you are at home office?

It is important to regulate departure times, the quality of food and maintain a physical exercise routine. 

The modalities of remote work in the home office have recently increased due to the practice of social isolation. Entire teams, often quickly and not so well planned, migrated home, each in their own space. At a time like this, domestic life ends up undergoing changes as well, and for some, the novelty of this work format brings interesting challenges.

We point out some important points when it comes to working from home and keeping up with health. Transforming your life into a happier and more productive journey. 

The first thing to remember is that you have time to go out

One of the first tips we can give when it comes to quality of life in the home office, is that of balance. It is very common in the first weeks of remote work at home, the workday increases. That's because accelerated productivity, without wasting time in transit, for example, ends up reducing the notion of limits and schedules a little. 

But, a workday done in the home office is still a workday. And, although the hours may be more flexible, they need to have a start, middle and end time, so that not only the routine is established in this new space, but also do not feel pressured to produce more and more, without rest. 

How does this translate into practical decisions? Start simple: create alarms for the end of the day on your cell phone or computer. The idea is to take advantage of the hours dedicated to work so that you have more free time to rest and enjoy your family. 

Another important tip is to manage remote meetings well so that the times do not coincide with the end of the working day. Otherwise, if the conversation goes on, you may end up staying online longer than you planned. 

Food should be observed carefully 

The previous point - from more hours worked for no reason - ends up leading to another: the drop in quality in their food. It happens a lot that when we start working at home office we assume that we will eat better since we are at home and not in restaurants where we do not know the rules of hygiene. 

But in practice, the lasagna and the microwave pizza end up taking the place of that super green salad or soup that I swore I would eat with taste. This is fundamentally due to lack of time or laziness. 

But, with a few tricks, you can recover good eating habits. The first one: avoid ready-made or frozen foods by shopping weekly for items for the recipes you have planned for the week. Freshly prepared food is more delicious to eat and also better preserves nutrients. 

Also exchange sweets for seasonal fruits, preferably organic. They can be consumed fresh or with honey and grains to increase. This way, you avoid the excessive consumption of refined sugar and ready-made sweets. 

Find some recipes here that we’ve given previously and in our social networks we always share practical and delicious recipes. 

Practice physical exercises. Even if it's indoors

Working from home opens up incredible opportunities for another very important point when it comes to health: physical exercise.

With more time available, we can dedicate half an hour to aerobic and localized exercises that can be done directly in any corner of the house. How about downloading special applications that will help? Many sporting goods brands have their applications dedicated to varied activities, including indoor exercises. 

And even if you're not a fan of the gym climate, know that domestic activities are a great exercise too. In times of social isolation, when domestic employees are also at home protecting themselves, it is a great opportunity to not only save money at the gym, but also to stay active, being essential for mind and body. 

Manage your time better, eat well and exercise: there is a winning combination when it comes to maintaining quality if life works at home;)

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