Spirulina and Chlorella: read the benefits of these superfoods

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Spirulina and chlorella are rich in vitamins and minerals, have high nutrient density, are great sources of vegetable protein.

spirulina and Chlorella. The names may seem a little strange, but it is quite simple to explain what they are: they are algae, or if you prefer, microalgae. Currently, they have been extensively studied because of their nutritional powers.

Known for being superfoods, spirulina and chlorella are very similar. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, have high nutrient density and are great sources of vegetable protein.

What are the differences between Spirulina and Chlorella?

Chlorella is a unicellular alga. Spirulina is a cyanobacterium. These may be the main differences between the Spirulina and Chlorella. Chlorella belongs to the group of chlorophytes, eukaryotic. It can be found both in the marine environment and in fresh water. It is mainly used as a food supplement.

Spirulina has antioxidant properties, as it contains phenolic compounds. Thus, its use is favored as functional food. Both are excellent sources of proteins, since they have about 60% of this nutrient in their compositions.

They are also very rich in essential amino acids for our body and have more than twenty types of minerals and vitamins.

One of the main differences between the Spirulina and Chlorella is that Chlorella has vitamin B12, which is not found in Spirulina. In contrast, the two have a large amount of provitamin A.

We will now know a little more details about each one.


It is the richest food in chlorophyll in the world. In it, there is about 10 times more chlorophyll compared to the amount found in other vegetables. THE Chlorella it is also one of the most studied algae in the world and has been mentioned several times as an almost perfect food.

This denomination happens because of the many benefits that the Chlorella brings to health. It is not for nothing that this seaweed is used as a supplement by NASA astronauts in space travel.

For those who do not eat anything of animal origin, just three grams of Chlorella to meet the daily requirement for vitamin B12. The large amount of proteins present in this food, offers several health benefits.

As a highlight, we can talk about the essential amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin. This is known as the happiness hormone for its action on mental and physical development that causes a feeling of well-being.

A Chlorella it is rich in antioxidants, which act against free radicals, responsible for premature aging and some types of cancer. In addition, it detoxifies the body, improves the immune system, contains fiber and improves digestion.

Find Chlorella options by clicking here


A spirulina it is rich in fiber, protein and vitamins. Among them, we can highlight vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and K. It is also rich in essential minerals, such as calcium, iron and magnesium, fatty acids, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and antioxidants.

This cyanobacterium also contains beta-carotene, an amino acid called phenylalanine. The latter regulates food intake, promoting greater satiety for our body. In this way, the spirulina can contribute to the slimming.

It is also a source of good fat, called GLA, gamma-linoleic acid. This fat is critical for our brain and for keeping our heart functions healthy. In addition spirulina it can also help in cancer prevention, as it contains phycocyanin.

Find Spirulina options by clicking here

How to use Spirulina and Chlorella?

Ideally, you should consume all the necessary grams of spyrulin and chlorella at once, at the first meal of the day. We recommend consuming the powdered version and inserted in food or drinks. The taste of spirulina and chlorella it is not very pleasant. Therefore, by associating it with other foods, it becomes easier to consume the algae.

If you prefer, include in sweeter fruit juices, such as bananas, coconut water and mango. Chlorella combines well with cashew and acerola pulp, in addition to coconut water.

But do not worry. These are just a few tips on how to use the Spirulina and Chlorella. You can use your creativity to consume them as you see fit, including in natural pills.

What did you think of superfoods Spirulina and Chlorella? 

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