Questions about your skin type? Find out now!

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

Do you dream of having perfect skin, however, is that just a dream? In fact, we are all born with different skin types. Give your skin the care it needs by first identifying your skin type.

Here are a few different types of skin that you should pay attention to.

  • Oily skin

Although normal skin produces some amount of oil that is beneficial to the skin, on oily skin excess oil is easily felt. One of the big problems with oily skin is that it fixes dirt easily. In addition, you may get acne due to the obstruction of the oil glands and the accumulation of dirt and sweat that lead to the formation of acne.

  • Dry skin

The worst thing about dry skin is that you can feel the peeling. Sun exposure can particularly aggravate the condition of your dry skin, making it feel thin and dry. You feel the skin as thin as paper and itchy.

  • Normal Skin

If you're lucky, you're one of those with normal skin. Touch and feel your skin. Normal skin is neither oily nor dry. The secret to normal skin is to ensure that it is well hydrated. However, if you are fortunate enough to have normal skin, it is vital that you take good care of it.

  • Combined or Combined Skin

It may happen that your skin is not unique. For example, it can be oily in some areas and dry in others. If this is the case, you must use multiple treatments for your skin. Mixed skin is generally known for the T-zone of the face (forehead and nose) where it tends to be more oily than the rest of the face.

  • Sensitive skin

Have you ever felt like your skin was irritated due to an allergy? If so, then you have sensitive skin. Essentially, environmental changes or the use of a new skin product can cause a reaction. Choose your skin care products carefully. Regardless of your skin type, you should take care of it.

So, give her the care she deserves, and look brighter, feel fresher! Choose products for your specific skin type.

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