Do you know the difference between Prebiotics x Probiotics?

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Do you know the difference between Prebiotics x Probiotics?

prebiotics and probiotics

It is true that almost everyone has heard of either prebiotics want from probiotics and that they both work very well together. In fact, it's your combined action which truly optimizes the functioning of the microflora.

But do we know well the difference between each other? Follow us in this article and be, once and for all, enlightened.

What are probiotics and how can they help the body?

Probiotics are living microorganisms which, when ingested, have a beneficial effect on the intestinal ecosystem, strengthening our microbiota. Now, the microbiota is closely related to the immune system and our defenses.

What happens is that when probiotics are consumed, the amount of microorganisms present in the intestine increases. So, when this quantity of microorganisms is adequate, we can say that the intestinal microbiota becomes strong.

Well, a strong intestinal microbiota favors our defenses, making us better prepared to face, for example, the eventual attacks by viruses and pathogens.

Foods with probiotics and prebiotics

There are many foods that we can ingest and, with them, get some probiotics. Some of them are:

  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese like
  • miso
  • Kimchi
  • etc

In a simple way, the prebiotics are a type of fiber that serves as food for the microbiota intestinal, that is, to microorganisms in the intestine.

Frequent consumption of prebiotics helps to strengthen and multiply these bacteria. With it, the protective and nutritional functions that we described earlier are visibly favored.

There are foods that contain more or less prebiotics, for example:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • French Fries
  • Banana
  • Soybean
  • Oats, wheat and other whole grains

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics

It is better take prebiotics or probiotics? The answer is simple: both. In fact, together they form a great team in strengthening defenses.

One of the combination of prebiotics and probiotics strengthens the intestinal microbiota because it increases the number of good microorganisms (this is the function of probiotics), feeds them and facilitates their absorption (role that prebiotics play).

But if, on the one hand, consuming prebiotics through food is relatively easy, the same is not true of probiotics - which tend to arrive inactive (and therefore ineffective) in the intestine.

It is also important to say that probiotics present in food have a limited amount of microorganisms and arrive inactive in the intestine. That is why it is important to fill this gap with a natural supplement.

Find various options for prebiotics and probiotics on our website, and regulate your diet!

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