How to prevent hair loss!

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

How to prevent hair loss? Having beautiful and healthy hair is not just a genetic issue. Nor is it a magical question. Hair care it is essential to keep you healthy and beautiful. So how to strengthen and prevent hair loss? Discover some care and solutions that help to strengthen hair in a mythical way.

Causes of hair loss

Some factors that are proven to cause excessive hair loss:

  • Stress;
  • Post childbirth;
  • Fever;
  • Infections;
  • Serious chronic diseases;
  • Surgical interventions;
  • Strict diets;
  • Endocrine disorders (such as thyroid disorders)
  • Some medications.

How to prevent hair loss

We must "pamper" our hair. After all, it is fundamental to our image, identity and self-esteem. We must dedicate some of our time to ourselves and our well-being and this includes taking good care of our hair daily:

  • Wash with an appropriate shampoo;
  • Massage the scalp gently;
  • Avoid physical and chemical aggressions (dryers, boards, irritating chemicals, styling techniques with hair traction ...);
  • Combing gently;
  • Moisturize the tips well.

In addition, avoiding stress can strengthen your hair.

Stress is one of the most common causes for loss of hair. But knowing this fact alone is a source of concern. How to solve this then? First, to know that this type of alopecia is a temporary issue, since once the peak of stress is over the hair loss decreases. Second, it is to identify the cause of the unrest and to try to change some routines that allow maintaining a more calm and serene lifestyle. Gradually you will see results on your hair and your stress levels as well.


Another prevention in the fall, is to follow a balanced diet with foods that naturally strengthen the hair. 

Their food is the best source of vitamins to strengthen hair. Eating poorly can lead to a lack of fundamental vitamins and, consequently, hair loss. Try making a list of ingredients that should be included in your weekly meals and snacks, such as fruit and vegetables, so you can make choices depending on what you have not yet eaten on the list. Pay special attention to the intake of Vitamin A, B and E, which are so effective that they can be considered ampoules to strengthen hair naturally. If in doubt, consult a hair treatment clinic, where you can get better advice.


And finally, there are medicines and dietary supplements to help strengthen your hair. 

There are specific substances for hair: hydrolyzed marine collagen, antioxidant vitamins like vitamin A and C, zinc and copper. All contribute to the strengthening of hair, pigmentation and also act in the fall. These substances can be found either in the form of oral administration or in the form of topical capillary application. When the cause of hair loss is hormonal I advise the plant saw palmetto.

To know and know several products that will help you, know here.

Now that you know all these tips, change your habits and hair care routine and you will have beautiful and healthy hair;)

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1 comment

  • I already spoke with you because of the pladas I have and I wanted some advice and I still have hair loss thank you my contact is 914626866 but just contact me Monday thanks for the attention

    Liliana Sofia Nogueira Soares em

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