Nothing with a tea to warm up in the cold!

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

Nothing with tea to warm up in the cold. On colder days, it is one of the most consumed drinks. What many people do not know is that, besides being tasty, the tea has several health benefits, especially in winter. I knew more!


Aids digestion

With climate change, the body slows down to digest, especially during sleep, which can cause stomach and intestinal problems.

Take one green tea, for example, speeds up metabolism and detoxifies the body, while mint relieves poor digestion.

Prevents disease

O green tea has antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals. Studies prove that the drink helps fight diabetes, arthritis and heart disease, in addition to controlling body weight.

Relieves headache and tiredness

With the sudden changes in temperature during the winter, it is normal for the body to show signs of indisposition. Flu and allergies bring headaches and tiredness. To combat these symptoms, experts recommend the rosemary tea with lemon, which helps in strengthening the immune system and is anti-inflammatory.

Has relaxing effect

Before bed, take a chamomile tea warm is a great option to relax. Chamomile contributes to the reduction of anxiety and stress, and is ideal for getting a good night's sleep and restful rest.

It is an ally of beauty

The drink also influences aesthetics. THE hibiscus and green, for example, are diuretics, help the body not to retain fluids and reduce the feeling of bloating. In addition, they decrease appetite and assist in burning fat.

Now that you know the many benefits of tea, just choose your favorite flavor and enjoy this winter;) 

Various teas you will find by clicking here

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