KOMBUCHA. What is it and what are its health benefits!

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

Have you heard of Kombucha?

Although this drink has been extremely high in recent months, it has been around for 2 years and is known to the Chinese as an "elixir of eternal health". THE Kombucha is prepared from the fermentation of teas. One of the drink's greatest differentials - and what has attracted the attention of health professionals and attentive consumers - is the fact that it is a rich source of probiotics, in addition to having the same benefits as tea.

Kombucha is prepared by adding specific strains of bacteria and sugar to black or green tea, which are then fermented for a week or more. The fermentation process produces vinegar and several other acidic compounds, in addition to small levels of alcohol and gas, which makes the kombucha gaseous and with a very exotic flavor. 

  • Probiotics

Probiotics are live colonies of bacteria, extremely beneficial for the intestinal microbiota, since they balance the levels of harmful bacteria present in the intestine, preventing diseases and collaborating in the absorption of nutrients. As a result, our body becomes healthier, including digestion, the prevention of diseases and inflammation, and can even provide natural weight loss. There are several natural sources of probiotics that are obtained through food and kombucha is one of them.

  • Antioxidants

Like traditional green teas, kombucha is also rich in antioxidants, since the drink is commonly made from the tea itself. Green teas are rich in polyphenols which have a powerful antioxidant function in the body. Scientific studies prove that individuals who consume green tea regularly can benefit from lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood glucose levels and natural weight loss due to a possible increase in the body's ability to burn calories. In addition, green tea can reduce risks of several types of cancer such as breast, cervix and prostate cancer.

  • Bad bacteria

During the production of kombucha several substances are produced, among them acetic acid, which helps to eliminate harmful microorganisms for health. Kombuchas made from black and green teas have powerful antibacterial properties, which is extremely beneficial especially for women's health, helping to prevent infections caused by bacteria as well as candida.

  • Cardiovascular diseases

Studies carried out on rats indicate that kombucha helps to improve the lipid profile in just 30 days. Adequate cholesterol levels significantly decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and consumers of green tea (or kombucha made from green tea) are approximately 31% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who do not consume, according to studies.

  • Diabetes type 2

Research on rats with diabetes found that kombucha reduces the time it takes to digest carbohydrates, which consequently lowers blood glucose levels. In addition, drinking the beverage can help improve kidney and liver health. Another study, involving 300 participants, found that those who consume green tea are 18% less likely to become diabetic.

Everything that adds benefits to our health is worth it. However, it is important to remember that there are no miracles and the kombucha will not produce as many beneficial effects on health if other habits are not adequate. Eating healthy and practicing physical activity are essential for good health. In addition, it is very important to seek professional guidance and advice.

Now that you know the various benefits of Kombucha, do you want to find your favorite flavor option? Click here and see everything we have on our website;)



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