Best seller: All about the beloved hormone DHEA!

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

Let's talk a little more about our best-selling and beloved hormone: DHEA. Know all your benefits.

First, what is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)?

DHEA is an endogenous steroid hormone and is one of the most abundant steroid hormones in the human body. This means that it is done naturally by the body and stimulates specific tissues or cells in action. It is produced by the adrenal glands, gonads and brain.

It is important for the creation of estrogen and androgen sex hormones and contributes to the development of so-called androgenic effects, or masculinization. These changes include the production of oily skin, changes in body odor and the growth of the armpit and pubic hair.

DHEA can also have other functions, for example, as a neurosteroid. In this role, it would directly affect the neuronal excitability.

DHEA reaches its maximum amount at the age of 20 and then its concentration decreases over time. Thus, the doctor can recommend the use of DHEA supplement, the amount of which varies according to the purpose of use and the person's need.

How can DHEA benefit your health?

The DHEA supplement is indicated in the case of hormonal disorders, and is usually recommended by the doctor in order to keep hormone levels under control, especially testosterone and estrogen. Thus, any function that depends on the level of estrogen or testosterone can be affected by the DHEA supplement. Thus, the supplement can be used to:

  • Combat signs of aging;
  • Maintain muscle mass;
  • Prevent hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis;
  • Increase libido;
  • Avoid impotence.

In addition, DHEA can act by improving the immune system, controlling cholesterol levels and ensuring greater energy to carry out day-to-day activities.


DHEA has powerful brain-preserving properties. DHEA levels drop with advancing age, leaving brain tissue and structures increasingly vulnerable to metabolic, toxic and chemical threats. It can also contribute to problems ranging from mild cognitive impairment to neurodegenerative diseases, as well as mood disorders and other mental disorders.

DHEA supplementation has been shown to help prevent or mitigate mood disorders, especially depression, and significantly improve cognitive and memory functions in older adults.

DHEA also fights metabolic and vascular disorders that can promote brain dysfunction with age. Studies show that DHEA can lower blood sugar, raise insulin sensitivity, reduce weight gain, lower cholesterol levels and improve blood vessel function - reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome and its consequences, heart disease, diabetes and neurological damage.

For those interested in optimizing their nutritional and hormonal balances to combat the damage of aging, DHEA represents a supplement with known safety and an increasing number of anti-aging properties.

Once you know all these benefits and how important they are in longevity, find all DHEA options by clicking here. 

But don't forget

DHEA is a hormone, so it is important that it is used as directed by the doctor. The use of DHEA supplements is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children, unless recommended by the general practitioner or endocrinologist.

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1 comment

  • I only regret that Thompson has stopped supplying
    DHEA is very good

    Maria de Lourdes de Pine em

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