Learn how to avoid fluid retention.

Posted by Crisdietetica Marketing em

Learn how to avoid fluid retention. But, after all, you know exactly what it is liquid retention? It seems complicated, but it is nothing more than the accumulation of water in the body making us bloated. This can occur for several reasons, from the simplest to the most complicated.

Did you know that, in some cases, we managed to solve this problem at home? Yes, and with only a few changes in habits. Were you curious to understand more about the subject and avoid swollen and heavy legs at the end of the day? So read on and know everything.

  • How do I know if I have fluid retention?

Fluid retention is when the body is unable to release all excess water, causing fluids to accumulate, especially in certain parts, such as the belly, legs, hands and even the face.

Do you know when we take off our socks and that mark is on the ankles? This does not necessarily mean that the accessory is tight, but it does swell throughout the day. This is very common in those who spend a lot of time sitting, which favors blood circulation.

So, before you despair thinking that you gained a few extra pounds when the clothes tighten, do the following test: press the ankle, right on the shin bone, for 30 seconds and release.

Observe the region, if the finger mark disappears quickly or does not appear, it is not fluid retention. Now, if the place gets deep and takes a long time to return to normal, you can believe it's really swelling. In that case, it is legal to take measures to reduce this condition.

However, as swelling can be a symptom of several health problems, it is always good to seek professional help. If it comes with other signs or if it stays for a long time, see a doctor to see if everything is fine or if just a change in habits can solve your problem.

  • What are the causes of fluid retention?

Turn and move you appear bloated, why is it? First of all, we must emphasize that the swelling can occur for several reasons. Some are simpler, related to the lifestyle same.

Others may be related to health problems, such as those affecting the heart and kidneys. As we are not specialists, we will then focus on trivial causes, those that do not involve a more serious factor, ok?

Some hormonal causes can be linked to pregnancy and menstruation. In the first, fluid retention in the last months of pregnancy is very noticeable, which contributes to tired legs. The second is the reason why the belly is swollen and the weight increases by up to 2 kg a few days before menstruation comes.

Then you may be asking yourself: I am a man, how do I have net retention? Bad eating habits and Sedentary lifestyle they are also major contributors to swelling. It is no wonder that in the first days of good nutrition and physical activity, people lose more weight. Much of it is excess water that goes away.

Putting too much salt in the food, consuming processed foods full of dyes, preservatives and all the “bad” chemical additives, not exercising regularly and not drinking enough water are the main reasons that make your body swell. Do you make these mistakes? So let's give you tips on how to change that.

  • How to decrease and avoid fluid retention?

Now that you know what fluid retention is and its causes, how about learning how to reduce and avoid this uncomfortable condition? Below, we tell you some infallible tips.

Eat well

One of the Healthy Eating and nutritious is able to soothe the swelling and prevent the appearance of it. Try to eat more vegetables, such as vegetables, legumes and fruits, whole grains, oilseeds and lean proteins. Everything as natural as possible.

Also, decrease or delete the sugar refined and food ultra-processed of the menu, mainly sausages, canned, instant noodles and others rich in sodium. Ah! Also reduce your salt intake and remove the salt shaker from the table, okay?

Practice physical exercises

Physical activities greatly improve blood circulation. This is because the contraction of the muscles boosts the fluids and causes the excess to be eliminated through the urine.

For water retention, prefer exercises that move your legs, such as walking, running, cycling and others. Choose what you like best and do it regularly. Thirty minutes by dia is a good start, you know?

Drink liquids

Have you seen cleaning with little water? Of course not? The same is true with our body. The body cannot do the cleaning necessary to eliminate toxins and ends up retaining the liquid with it. So, drinking plenty of water is great for deflating.

Other than that, teas and juices made with diuretic foods are very good to give that little help. Ginger, mackerel, cucumber, watermelon and pineapple are some examples of what can be used.

Perform lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that helps the body to eliminate fluids and toxins. With movements, excess fluids are driven out of the body through urine. Nowadays, you find excellent professionals who use this technique, but it is also possible to do it at home, just take a look at the search sites to find several tutorials.

Remembering that it is important to seek medical help whenever the swelling is persistent. That is, even maintaining good habits it still appears frequently. It is also worth saying that the use of diuretic drugs should only be done with a doctor's prescription, okay?

If you want to get rid of the swelling and disorders it causes, take advantage of our tips and improve your habits. This is a great way to have a healthier lifestyle, with well-being and quality of life.

Products that can help you

We made a selection of our diuretic products and to learn more click HERE 

Now that you know everything, follow our tips and stay free from the bumps on a daily basis;)

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