Children´s Vitamina C Chewable 100 Lozenges - Thompson - Crisdietética

Children´s Vitamin C Chewable 100 Lozenges - Thompson

  • €9.60
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Thompson's Children´s Vitamin C Chewable 100 Lozenges

Children's Vitamin C Chewable is specially formulated to strengthen the immune system in children, providing the necessary supply of Vitamin C, with a pleasant orange flavor. Vitamin C is particularly important in times of greater fatigue, stress, or in situations of infectious diseases, in particular viral diseases, contributing to a better adaptation of the body. As it cannot be stored by the body, vitamin C must be consumed daily, as it protects cells and maintains their health.

It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, an important protein for maintaining the health of connective tissue, essential in the support and structure of organs and tissues such as skin, bones and blood vessels. It is essential for the absorption of iron, an essential mineral in the production of red blood cells and a cofactor for cytochrome chromosidases. This enzyme is the last enzyme in the respiratory chain, located in the mitochondria membrane and leads to the conversion of molecular oxygen into water molecules, and is also important for maintaining the electrochemical potential of the membrane, which is fundamental to the synthesis of ATP.

Vitamin C, by neutralizing free radicals, can contribute to the protection of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and arthritis. It is indicated in diseases that are accompanied by a tendency to hemorrhage, as is the case of scurvy (extreme situation of vitamin C deficiency), as well as in the recovery from intoxication, for example of tobacco, since smokers need an additional dose of vitamin C, to combat the bad effects of this. In situations of thrush, gum disease, herpes, boils, and when it is necessary to improve the healing of wounds or fractures, supplementation with this vitamin is important. Since capillary fragility and chronic rheumatism accompany senescence, vitamin C is useful as a dietary supplement, particularly in the case of fatigue or inadequate nutrition.




DOSAGE: Chew 1 or several tablets a day (up to a maximum of 10 tablets).

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